Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hampton and Bancroft, revisited

Yet another interesting development.

I have been through the intersection countless times, and have actually ALREADY found a domino embedded here. And yet, the pavement gods have seen fit to confound me further by allowing me to find another set in the very same intersection, though a different corner.

The first set, if you check the locations page at the top, is on the east side of Hampton, and south of Bancroft. Or in layman's terms, the "southeast corner." This newest set is on the southWEST corner, in front of the bank, only about a foot from the sidewalk.

This is only the second intersection that I have found to have more than one location - the first being at Arsenal and Kingshighway, where there are 3. WTF.

The fresh pavement extends into the StL Hills neighborhood as far back as I could see, so I'll have to do a little stealthy recon in the near future.

Also, stay tuned, as I may have learned about another set downtown, though I have yet to verify it - same goes for the location at Lindell and Grand. I'll keep you posted, so you should literally not move from your computer screen until further notice.

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