Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Russell and Vandeventer

 Was informed by someone in my vast network of domino informants throughout the city about this one. Just a single solitary domino, in pretty fresh asphalt, as usual.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Most Interesting Find Yet

Having found one in front of the Grand Basin/Art Hill in Forest Park has me very intrigued, and potentially throws out the "route markings" theory. With a set of dominoes directly in front of a major landmark, and NOT at two intersecting streets seems to strengthen my "treasure hunt/geo-caching" theory.
Interesting to note about this set is that this set is the first that has up to 9 dots on each half, whereas all the previous ones have only had up to 6 per half. This must add some significance to this location, or at least more than the rest. Perhaps it is the final set to find? The end of a route? I just don't know...

I inspected this set, and they look like there had been a smalle "hole" chiseled into the pavement, and then these had been cemented into somehow. I'm thinking these weren't put in when it was repaved.

-More to come.