Monday, May 21, 2012

Busy Day of Finds!

4 sets different sets and two "Toynbee Tiles!" All but one were found downtown. I may have to do a little more exploring downtown...

Broadway and Market Street:

Washington and 10th:

(near) Washington and 7th - note the "random placement:"

Broadway and Filmore (near Carondelet:)

And the two Toynbee Tiles:

 Brings the total number of domino sets to 33.


  1. hi, I have been seeing these all over the city since last year. Today I noticed two- one at the SW corner of Brannon and Oleatha, and another at the SE corner of Fairview and Brannon. I have pictures for you if you want them. I'll start trying to remember where I see them when I jog.

  2. Sounds pretty good! I'll have to check out Oleatha and Brannon soon - I'm surprised I haven't seen it yet. Let me know if you find any others!
