Monday, September 23, 2013

Arsenal and Hampton

Whoah, nelly! Has there been a lot of off-the-wall, crazy activity lately with new dominoes and golf balls, or what! It might be a little too much for me to handle. I mean this is getting out of hand. 

Thanks to the recent Reddit post, I have become privy to 2 more locations of dominoes. I managed to check the first one out today,  at Arsenal and Hampton, technically within the Clifton Heights neighborhood. If you've ever had your hair done did at Lords and Ladies Hair Salon at this corner, you should go back there and look right in front of the front door, because there it is:

These have the colored dots, so whatever that means.

I've also learned that there may be another set at Forest Park Parkway and Skinker, which should be easy for me to verify, as I pass through that intersection on my way to work every day. I would not be surprised, since FP Parkway had been re-paved last week from Des Peres Road all the way to Skinker - and there is a golf ball at Des Peres Road. Talk about crazy.

Additionally, today on the same ride where I found the Arsenal and Hampton domino, I also noticed that pair of dominoes I had found just a couple blocks away at 59th and Southwest, in front of Jimmy Mack's Bar and Grill, is now missing one of the two. I would bet it just got jostled loose and knocked away. You can still see the depression left in the asphalt where the second domino once was.

Stay tuned, as I must now ponder the greater implications that all of this has on the world situation.

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